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Building Your IoT Eco-System Starts With These Questions

Perhaps your team is grappling with how to integrate legacy OT and non-connected assets into an IoT ecosystem?

The benefits of successful IoT implementation could include Active Cyber-Terrorism Mitigation, Loss and Theft Prevention, End-to-End Production with Logistics Tracking, and Next Generation Facilities Management – to name a few.

Maybe you have begun your IoT journey or maybe you are just considering it now. Either way, I wanted to share the questions that experience has shown need to be considered from the start:

  • What is the initial business problem being addressed or opportunity being exposed using IoT and are the key stakeholders in the business on board?

  • Your IoT Ecosystem may include Enablement Devices, IoT Gateways specific to your production OT, Communications Technology, Monitoring & Security – have those been determined?

  • Are you looking to implement a 3rd party Edge Solution or developing your own bespoke application maybe built on block-chain?

  • Specific to your choice in IoT enablement devices

    • What is your strategy to manage the risk to your IoT technology supply such as availability of components across multiple vendors over the next 3 years?

    • What is your strategy to support devices as they age over 5 years, especially compatibility with 3rd party equipment, such as routers, Alexa, security refresh?

    • How do you track the versions of Backend Software, Firmware, Hardware, Website, App?

    • How do you verify that the same version that is safety certified (if applicable) is the one you are selling?

    • How do you verify that your planned IoT enablement technology is able to scale to an installation base of 1,000 / 10,000 / 50,000 / 100,000 connected devices?

    • Is the technology open including design files that make up the product: software, firmware and hardware, so that you can hire another supplier/contractor to continue if required?

    • Which verification mechanisms do you currently employ or plan to employ to ensure that designs from the following suppliers are compatible and correct:

      • Electronics designers, Radio designers, Manufacturing Houses, Backend Software Developers & Firmware Developers

We help address the above by introducing NexGen applications, technology and the right blend of design leadership and professional services. This can form all or part of an IoT eco-system to include IoT Enablement, OT Gateway, Automated Cyber-Risk Management, Cloud and Integrated Communications.

What I would recommend (if you are open to it) is a conversation to quickly determine (at a very high-level) where you are in your IoT journey and how we may possibly be able to add value. Getting it right can be the difference between a successful IoT implementation and missed deadlines and overrun costs.

Let's chat.

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